Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Week 3 - Day 4.

Just ran level 8.3 on the bleep test, I managed to go further than Leanne who is in great shape and normally does about 8.6, she must be having an off day.

Have been told I look thinner around the face so that's a good sign. Hoping to be back out on the bike tomorrow and still need to get some more weight training done.

I'm glad LL is working and I'm going to recommend it to friends. I may also recommend it to my ex who I briefly encountered yesterday - my God, she's piled it on! She was 14 stone last time I saw her and now she looks even bigger. I'd been hoping that I wouldn't bump into her until after I'd finished the 8 weeks so she'd see me at my slimmest, but as I've seen the state she's in now I feel even better that I'm losing weight :)

I'm actually wondering if she'll get in touch, if she does, I'll probably just convince her to go to bed and then slap her arse and ride the waves. Yes, I'm cruel, but even her own family think she deserves it....

OK, I'll behave now. Promise!

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