Saturday, 12 July 2008

Hola Chicas & nobbers.

This weeks stats:

Week 3: 12/7/08.

Weight: 75kg (165.4lbs or 11.8 stone).
Loss this week: 2.9kg (6.4lb or .5 stone).
Total loss: 8.1kg (17.9lbs or 1.3 stone).

Not sure how much fun I can inject into this blog, as it's probably the most boring subject ever but I shall persist....

Looking back on the amusing things that have occurred since starting LL...

  • Walked into a gay bar with Mark & Andy. Didn't realise until about 15 minutes later when I wondered why it was covered in memorabillia from musicals and posters for Nottingham Pride. It was at that point that I looked around and noticed that there were only about 3 women in the place...
  • Got a sore arse. Nothing to do with the above, but caused by riding a 15 year old bicycle.
  • Finding out that 20 minutes of sex (on top) burns 120 k/cals in twenty minutes! If only I could find a willing volunteer. Ladies?
  • Got drowned while 17 miles away from home while cycling. If only I had taken a jacket!
  • Almost been wiped out by a bus which just pulled out as I was cycling by.
  • Waking up dreaming that I was at an all-you-can-eat-buffet restaurant.

In the words of Bugs Bunny, That's all folks!

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