Saturday, 26 July 2008

Week 5 - Weigh in.

Well, I'm now half way through the initial Lighterlife 8 week stint.

So now it's time to check what I've lost etc.

Week 5 commencing 27/07/08

Weight 71kg (156.6lb or 11.2 stone)
Total loss to date: 12.1kg (26.7lb or 1.12 stone)
BMI: 24.8 now (was 29.1)

Chest: 95cm (-7cm)
Waist: 89cm (-14cm)
Hips 97cm (-7cm)

My fitness level feels better than it's ever been, although I am still aching a bit from Jujutso on Thursday but I'm sure I'll get used to that. Cycling has been getting progressively easier and I've been feeling that my endurance and lung capacity have increased.

I've also got used to not having to drink in order to be able to sleep which must be a good thing, and I've also found that eating through boredom can be overcome by keepng a bottle of water at hand at the times I am most likely to become bored, usually when alone at night.

I must say that eveyone has been encouraging me, especially Andy who has accompanied me on over 250 of miles on the cycle. All friends and family have been positive and say that they can see a difference everytime they see me.

I must admit that I am looking forward to a proper meal when I have finished the abstinance stage, but I see that as a reward for completing the course.

Other good news is that my Police application is proceeding smoothly, two weeks until my medical and I am measured for my stab vest, and the fitness test is booked in for November. I can't wait to get started!

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Week 4 - Day 5

Just back from my first Jujutsu lesson. I had a brilliant time rolling, attacking and defending. It made a great change from just cycling and lifting weights.

I wonder if they'd let me try it in my stab vest...?

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Week 4 - Day 3

Not much to report really, except that I'm trying to fit in even more excercise to speed things up. Monday I cycled 45 miles and today I went to join a Jujustu class, I'll be starting on Thursday and then going every Tues and Thurs.

May even go swimming once per week too.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Alright, Chunky? It's Week 4 Weigh-in time.

Right then, as we head into week four here's the stats:

Week 4 commencing: 20/7/08
Weight: 73.2kg ( 11 stone 7)
Loss this week: 1.8kg (4lb)
Total loss: 10.1kg (21lb or 1 stone 7)

Must put more excercise in this week to burn more, I want to get the remaining 10kg off in the next three weeks.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Week 3 - Day 6

Well to day saw a trip by bicycle to Newark. A 50 mile round trip.

It was going ever so well until Andy got a puncture and ended up having to push his bike for 8 miles. I rode around in a circle while waiting for him!

Nothing to report diet wise. Don't feel I've lost anything this week, maybe I've hit a plateau but I'll get some advise at weigh-in tomorrow.

Other news - my psycho ex got in touch today and asked where I was goig to be tonight. I don't want to get involved but maybe I'll motorboat her if I get the chance ;)

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Week 3 - Day 4.

Just ran level 8.3 on the bleep test, I managed to go further than Leanne who is in great shape and normally does about 8.6, she must be having an off day.

Have been told I look thinner around the face so that's a good sign. Hoping to be back out on the bike tomorrow and still need to get some more weight training done.

I'm glad LL is working and I'm going to recommend it to friends. I may also recommend it to my ex who I briefly encountered yesterday - my God, she's piled it on! She was 14 stone last time I saw her and now she looks even bigger. I'd been hoping that I wouldn't bump into her until after I'd finished the 8 weeks so she'd see me at my slimmest, but as I've seen the state she's in now I feel even better that I'm losing weight :)

I'm actually wondering if she'll get in touch, if she does, I'll probably just convince her to go to bed and then slap her arse and ride the waves. Yes, I'm cruel, but even her own family think she deserves it....

OK, I'll behave now. Promise!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Hola Chicas & nobbers.

This weeks stats:

Week 3: 12/7/08.

Weight: 75kg (165.4lbs or 11.8 stone).
Loss this week: 2.9kg (6.4lb or .5 stone).
Total loss: 8.1kg (17.9lbs or 1.3 stone).

Not sure how much fun I can inject into this blog, as it's probably the most boring subject ever but I shall persist....

Looking back on the amusing things that have occurred since starting LL...

  • Walked into a gay bar with Mark & Andy. Didn't realise until about 15 minutes later when I wondered why it was covered in memorabillia from musicals and posters for Nottingham Pride. It was at that point that I looked around and noticed that there were only about 3 women in the place...
  • Got a sore arse. Nothing to do with the above, but caused by riding a 15 year old bicycle.
  • Finding out that 20 minutes of sex (on top) burns 120 k/cals in twenty minutes! If only I could find a willing volunteer. Ladies?
  • Got drowned while 17 miles away from home while cycling. If only I had taken a jacket!
  • Almost been wiped out by a bus which just pulled out as I was cycling by.
  • Waking up dreaming that I was at an all-you-can-eat-buffet restaurant.

In the words of Bugs Bunny, That's all folks!