Sunday, 29 June 2008

Day 1 - Thoughts

As Day 1 comes to an end, I thought I'd share some thoughts.

I have not suffered any temptation to eat normal food or drink any of the forbidden liquids.

I've had two soups and two shakes today. I decided to try the ones I didn't think I'd enjoy that much.

The mushroom soup is ok, but I do suggest that it should be flavoured with your choice of Tobasco or pepper.

The Thai Chilli soup was better than I expected it to be, but again, I added loads of Tobasco sauce and a hint of pepper.

I tried both the Vanilla and Caramel shakes. The Vanilla was a bit plain, so I mixed in a spoonful of instant coffee to give it some more flavour. The caramel shake isn't as bland, but again, I decided to mix in some coffee. The booklet that I was given suggest mixing the vanilla and chocolate shakes, so I may give that a go over the next couple of days to see what I think of that.

Water intake has been higher than I expected it to be. Part of it due to me trying to wash away the hangover I woke with this morning and secondly, I've found that the water kills of the thought of wanting to eat when bored. So far I've drank over 6 litres.

The only side-effects I've felt today is the increase in the amount of trips I need to make to the bathroom in order to empty my bladder, but I'm sure I can cope with that!

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